Message from the MD

From the outset, Abagold has had a commitment to building a long-term sustainable diversified business. It was founded on the principle of building the business and creating a brand that allows the company to embody the manifesto and values of the organisation, its founders and our community in such a way, as to impact and influence the lives of all of our many stakeholders.Although our organisation has been through some incredibly tough times, from Red Tide in 2017 to Covid in 2020/1, the people and the spirit that embodies Abagold has not been broken and through resilience and fortitude we have again emerged on top. It remains my intention to continue on this path of continuous improvement, with our customers being delighted and rewarded with consistent quality produced under the Abagold Brand. We will continue to recognise and reward our employees in an environment of high performance that epitomises everything that Abagold stands for while building value for our shareholders. Through this commitment to the environment and the communities in which Abagold operates all parties will experience the associated benefits and outcomes.
It remains critical for Abagold to understand how best to leverage the 25+ years of knowledge and experience we have gained and to continue to grow and expand outside of the current formats and geographies where we operate. It is my role to facilitate, encourage and evaluate these new and exciting opportunities available to Abagold in the wider aquaculture and agribusiness environment, without compromising the base upon which Abagold was originally founded, Abalone. Under my watch, Abagold will continue to deliver value to our shareholders, a very critical group of individuals and organisations, who committed to and invested into the dream and now will now see the benefits through our initiatives and hard work.
I look forward to continuing to be a part of this dynamic team of Abagold. We remain committed to sustainable success, linked with environmental, economic and social responsibility.
Tim Hedges
February 2022